Holy Bible

Statement Of Faith

Hands Holding Candle
  1. We believe that all things were created by God. Angels were created as ministering agents, though some, under the leadership of Satan, fell from their sinless state to become agents of evil. The universe was created in six historical days and is continuously sustained by God; thus, it both reflects His glory and reveals His truth. Human beings were directly created, not evolved, in the very image of God. As reasoning moral agents, they are responsible under God for understanding and governing themselves and the world.
  2. We believe in one God, infinite Spirit, creator, and sustainer of all things, who exists eternally as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, being one in essence but distinct in person and function.
  3. We believe the Father to be the first person of the Trinity and the source of all that God is and does. From the Father the Son is eternally generated and from Them, the Spirit eternally proceeds. He is the designer of creation, the speaker of revelation, the author of redemption, and the sovereign of history.
  4. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, eternally begotten from the Father. He is God. He was conceived by the virgin Mary through a miracle of the Holy Spirit. He lives forever as perfect God and perfect man: two distinct natures inseparably united in one person.
  5. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father and the Son and equal in deity. He is the giver of all life, active in the creating and ordering of the universe; He is the agent of inspiration and the new birth; He restrains sin and Satan; and He indwells and sanctifies all believers.
  6. We believe that Jesus Christ offered Himself as a sacrifice by the appointment of the Father. He fulfilled the demands of God by His obedient life, died on the cross in full substitution and payment for the sins of all, was buried, and on the third day He arose physically and bodily from the dead. He ascended into heaven where He now intercedes for all believers.

Our Mission

The mission of Future Scholars Christian Academy (F.S.C.A.) is to focus on building Christian character as well as a strong and divine ministry among each student, while promoting excellence and self-discipline through motivation and academics.​​​​


Our Vision

The vision of F.S.C.A. is to engage students in a quality Christian education and equip them with Biblical principles to LEAD within our community with the pursuit of building Christian character; to empower students to increase their confidence while staying on the right path to SUCCEED and venture out into the world and INSPIRE others in our community to impact the world for Christ through service. ​